The Rhode Island Coalition of Housing Providers (RICOHP) is a landlord-lead organization that supports housing providers with education and advocacy as it pertains to their interests. We inform housing providers across Rhode Island of changes or proposed changes to state and federal laws, preserve landlord property rights, and advocate on behalf of landlords in legislative sessions.


RICOHP is committed to serving the Rhode Island community with integrity and respect for all residents that are affected by the current challenges of our housing market. We recognize the diverse demographics of Rhode Island landlords and tenants alike, which allows us to advocate for sensible, smart, sustainable, legislation that will best serve those distinct needs. 


Our involvement in the community includes engaging with landlords, tenants, policy makers, and stakeholders, as we work to defend landlord rights, provide education, and foster healthy landlord-tenant relationships. Through responsible business practices motivated by our genuine concern for our community, RICOHP strives to provide leadership in housing solutions that ultimately benefit each Rhode Islander. 

How You Can Help

In recent years the strain on the housing market has been caused by many factors including crippling inflation which has left those in the plight for safe, stable, affordable housing, disillusioned. That struggle has sparked a demand for change. New legislation has been proposed at rapid speed and although well-intentioned, can fall short without all sides considered. This is why now, more than ever, it is imperative that we hear from you as a housing provider. The RICOHP movement seeks to amplify the voices and provide a strong platform that will contribute to forward-thinking, smart legislation. By becoming actively involved with RICOHP, you contribute to shaping policies that promote clean, safe, and affordable housing now and into the future. Get Involved

By getting involved, you will help influence policy makers to opt out of legislation that often creates unintended negative consequences and opt for ways to truly spur safe and affordable communities where Rhode Island residents can thrive. Several Housing Legislation Passed in 2023 and several more have been proposed at the start of 2024. Ineffective housing bills thankfully did not pass due to RICOHP member participation. Tabled or rejected bills can be proposed again in various forms and it is important that we are ready when they do. See this list for reference to activity in 2023. Click Here to View

Stay in contact and reach out to us regarding opportunities to be heard. Phone calls, written testimony, and in-person testimony is invaluable. We will provide you with the appropriate information to make sure you are heard! 

Funds support professional lobbying, effective information campaigns, and events to further power your influence as a landlord. Donate Now

Our Stories

Meet Sarah – Single Mother, Owner-Occupied Landlord


Sarah has always managed to maintain a steady job, but knew that homeownership would provide the stability her family needed. Sarah was able to take advantage of a down-payment assistance program and purchase a three family home. The rental income from the other two units now offsets Sarah’s living expenses as she simultaneously builds equity in her home which may one day help pay for her children’s college education.

Meet Bill – Self-Employed Handyman, Landlord


Bill grew up in the real estate industry with his family owning several investment properties. With his early exposure to the property management field, Bill saw a need for maintenance services and had the ability to provide just that. Bill now owns two multifamilies of his own, provides property management services to other housing providers, and helps manage his family’s investments. Bill helps serve long term tenants that his family has had for as long as 28 years!

Meet José – Social Worker, Deacon, Property Owner


Jose immigrated to America in pursuit of the American Dream. Jose purchased his first two-family home in partnership with his brother. Over time Jose and his brother were able to reinvest their equity to purchase several multi-family homes which oftentimes were easily rented to someone in their community. Jose inspires and educates others around him to pursue their own American Dream.

The identifying information of those in the stories above have been changed to protect the privacy of those involved.